what's inside of a dazed and confused mind

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Fund Raising for the Roofing of the HVMES School Stage

The HVMES Parents-Teachers- Community Association (PTCA) has launched a project for the construction of the school stage roofing and gymnasium. For those who are not familiar with the stage, it is the open space between the main building and the home economics building. It was built in the early 80's and since then being used for school functions and programs. But usage is limited and very much dependent on the weather. Practically, it cannot be used at noon time when the sun is up and it's too hot; long programs (recognition and graduation exercises) are usually held at night when it is a bit cooler. But rain is also an issue. A couple of times, graduation ceremonies were stopped because of rain, continued the next day at the town's cultural center!Estimated cost for the construction is 1.5M Pesos. The good news is that the municipal government is offering to shoulder half of the cost! The school has done raffles and fund raisings to supplement the funds offered by the government, but of course 750K is still a sizable amount.
The school needs financial help from all of us to make the project happen.Bank accounts were setup exclusively for this project. Donations need not be big. Any amount that our means allow will do; every Peso counts!When you remit, please notify and email the project coordinators (email addresses below) so that receipt of funds can be confirmed and accounted for.Construction is to begin asap. The hope is that it will be ready for the upcoming graduation ceremonies this April. The success of the project is very much dependent on our generosity. Let us show our support and make this worthwhile project happen.

Project Bank Account Details
Bank Name : Philippine National Bank
Bank Branch : Batac Branch
Bank Account Name : Hilario Valdez Memorial Elementary School
Phil. Peso Account# : 3085302468US Dollar Account# : 701684-5

Project Coordinators Email Addresses:
hvmes@yahoo. com - Mr. Rogelio Asiao, Principal & Mrs. Norma Duldulao,
Teachers' Association President

cav103059@yahoo. com - Mrs. Celia Verano, Faculty
elenalagadan@ yahoo.com. ph – Ms. Elena Lagadan, Faculty

PS. Please help in spreading the word and forward this email to other alumni and others who might be able to help.


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